Dismantle institutional racism by changing traditions in how you hire. Explore the balancing act around under-represented minority bonuses as a possible way to encourage broader intellectual diversity.
Dismantle institutional racism by changing traditions in how you hire. Explore the balancing act around under-represented minority bonuses as a possible way to encourage broader intellectual diversity.
Are referral programs for hiring effective or racist? Explore how preferences embodied in referral programs can be mitigated so you can build a talent pool that is more diverse and set up the best job applicants to join your startup.
You’re a failure…and that’s ok. I’m a failure, too. The ability to turn failure into something beautiful is how our worst failures make us into the best leaders. Watch this video explaining the simple-but-hard three step process to become a successful failure.
Celebrate Star Wars Day with the most tongue-in-cheek HR jokes this galaxy has ever seen.
Amy Spurling, CEO and Co-founder of Compt, sat down to answer a few questions before finalizing their $1.5M funding round led by Harlem Capital, Impellent Ventures, & Slack. We explored how COVID-19 has changed how employers approach employee benefits, how Compt is on the front line in shepherding diversity and inclusivity through flexible perk programs, as well as how a serial C-level entrepreneur can embody core values around fairness in multiple successful businesses.
Do you feel ignored, unloved, and inactive? Maybe you’re a remote worker that needs a few more tips to stop hating remote work. Read through the rest of our tips to stop hating remote work and work remotely better.
Remote work can suck. Blurry work-life boundaries, relationships mediated by technology, running out of sweatpants...the list goes on. However, pivoting the bad parts into less-bad or even productive changes can help you get more done from the comfort of your home...as long as you climb out of bed.
As organizations pivot- some for the first time- to work-from-home arrangements, someone needs to train the managers how to cope with the new normal. These 20 tips should help managers learn remote management skills and help keep up employee morale during a global crisis.
The marketing tactics used by a popular video game can shed light on how to increase employee engagement. Without spending a lot of money, learn how a cunning marketing plan can surpass typical humdrum HR engagement.
Wellness matters, whether you're in the office or at home, and it’s not solved by just giving people more time off. Take some suggestions on a walk to start turning wellness into a part of your company’s philosophy.
Usually we listen to fear as a sign to avoid, delay, or prevent ourselves from doing something. Instead, use it as a signal that you're onto something worth learning more about.
Great performance often comes from great coaching. Working with a coach can help elevate you and your team’s performance, mindset, and more…but how do you choose a good coach? We sat down three coaches to hear why you should be using a coach yesterday.